how do i use coffee grounds on my lawn

how do i use coffee grounds on my lawn

Which Items Are "Greens" and Which Are "Browns"? To me, a child’s book with its so clear, straightforward, and direct knowledge makes a great learning material over some stuffy textbook any day!! First let me say my grass is so very green and thick. And does not form molds on the surface of the soil. Despite their color, for the purposes of composting they’re a ‘green’, or nitrogen-rich organic material. Is there any harm from using flavored coffee grounds? To look at it in those terms defeats the purpose of why I garden…. Could be so they can store them away for when they need them (will store for at least a year and counting), and then mix them with lime or whatever else they need to add. But there are few things you’ll need to know before getting started. If you do use coffee grounds on your indoor plants, either directly or as part of a compost, you can reduce the risk of overwatering by altering the composition of the soil that you use. I will to post pictures of the progress. Sam- When I expressed my concern to her about not knowing exactly what “to do” with the grounds, she directed me here and now I have a few ideas 🙂. The author of the post is a lawn care professional, so if he’s happy with coffee grounds, then so am I! It usually takes a day or so for the grounds to completely dry, but this depends on what part of the world you are in. If you don't have enough, the compost pile won't heat up. I read your post about boiling water and weed and my question is what about poison oak? In other cases, grounds inhibit seed germination of clovers (red and white) and alfalfa. Make sure that the coffee mixes well with the soul. would love to tweet it. Can’t say that I’ve ever had that problem Kris, because it is not laid down that thickly, and sort of falls into the lawn. Another great thing that you can do is start up a community coffee grounds pile. Coffee grounds can be applied directly to the base of shrubs and trees, or worked into the top layers of flower and garden beds. I live in Georgia USA and I have heard coffee grounds helps keep the earthworms happy and they in return will keep my lawn healthy. Fresh coffee grounds are, in fact, acidic. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. However, tomatoes do not like fresh coffee grounds; keep them out of that area of the garden. This could be a good use for coffee that is getting old in your pantry or a type you bought for visiting friends but isn't your usual cup of joe. Well done David. By the time I get them home and get to dumping them on the lawn, there is mold in the grounds. Add coffee grounds directly to the soil in your garden. So if you want to use coffee grounds to replace peat, do it, but you’ll need to compost them first. People usually discard their coffee grounds, but don't be so quick to throw them out. If going directly, start out with small amounts and take it from there. Try and spread as even as possible, to avoid spots where piles will accumulate. To use coffee as a plant fertilizer, you'll need to dilute it. To use coffee grounds as a fertilizer sprinkle them thinly onto your soil, or add them to your compost heap. So does your lawn! That is terrible news Lee. we are not coffee drinker and everything says “used’ coffee grounds. Be cautious in using fresh grounds around pets or your wire terrier may become extremely wired. Never think about this, then did it yesterday, good idea. Leftover coffee can work well, too, as long as it’s black or sweetened with real sugar — if you’ve used artificial sweeteners or milk, avoid introducing the … Any ideas on natural nutrients that I can add to my dried coffee grounds to be a more “well-rounded” fertilizer? Make sure the grounds are damp when you apply them. The effects of coffee grounds on seeds and plants is variable, unreliable and tough to call. Will Coffee Grounds Keep Cats Away Guaranteed? There are quite a few reasons that used grounds are commonly used on lawns. Used coffee grounds to topdress a lawn. It also makes a great foliar feed you can spray directly on the leaves and stems of your plants. ( Log Out /  The numbers just don't work for me. Problem is, gardeners rarely have fresh ones in mind when asking this question because fresh coffee grounds have value in the kitchen. Thanks, great site! Coffee Grounds as Mulch. Pingback: Love coffee? Hi Shari, yes it’s the best way to do it. Luckily, coffee grounds can quickly get rid of this garden pest for you. Adding this organic material to the soil will also help improve drainage, water retention and aeration in the soil. Have lots of house plants….can I add dry grounds to potted plants? Coffee grounds contain 2% of nitrogen, but plants can not use this until it breaks down. Sorry to post a general question but has anyone tried dried used coffee grounds on lawn/garden and been turned off? My favourite way to remove weeds is to pour boiling water over them, or if there are alot to remove, put down newspaper with a few inches of coffee grounds and soil over it. I’d say that eventually (5 years+) it would loose its potency, like any other organic material, it has a shelf life. 4. Mix the same way as the above, making sure to get a good even mixture throughout. By adding more coarse sand or perlite to the potting mix, this will increase drainage, allowing the soil to dry out faster after watering, reducing the risk of overwatering and root rot. Worms love coffee grounds. Although depending on how thick the mold is within the coffee grounds, it might make it difficult to spread them our evenly over the lawn. Roses do best when grown in soil that is slightly acidic. Advantages Of Coffee Grounds. However, don’t throw away those grounds. Add to that the fact that it costs nothing to use as much as you want, that it attracts earthworms and other micro-organisms into your soil, and you do public good by removing it from landfill. The next thing that you need to do is using either a hard rake, leaf rake or shovel, go through and turn the grounds so that what was exposed is now mixed into the pile. Conditions Roses Prefer. My family goes through a lot of K-cups and most of them are flavored. Be well. No Mike, as long as you can get the grounds out of those K-cups it will break down in compost like any other type of coffee grounds. (up to 35 percent grounds to soil ratio) directly into the soil or spread the grounds directly onto the soil and cover with leaves, compost or bark mulch. Make sure to balance them with enough ‘browns’ – carbon-rich materials such as dried leaves, woody prunings or newspaper. send me some details. You can also make coffee ground "tea." If people have a very small lawn, coffee grounds may be a viable alternative but only if little value is placed on time. I am interested in trying the coffee grounds around shrubs. Any higher, and they might inhibit good microbes from breaking down organic matter. Work … Open up K-cup or other coffee pods and recycle the plastic parts Toss your coffee filter, grounds and all, into the compost I was hoping to put my seedlings into the beds in a few weeks at most. Using coffee grounds for roses is a fabulous way to improve the health of your plants, helping them to produce those gorgeous flowers you’ve been dreaming of. You may want to have a backup plan in mind if it doesn't work. Humans aren’t the only ones who like a nice cup of coffee! Feed Your Compost Pile. Yes the boiling water will kill almost anything. When you get to the edge of each row, close the shoot on your spreader and turn around – once you are walking forward again open the spreader’s shoot. Create a slug and snail barrier. Keep in mind that your Startbucks is sitting on a mountain of coffee grounds! Your acid-loving plants like hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, lily of the valley, blueberries, carrots, and radishes can get a boost from fresh grounds. Other green compost materials include food scraps and grass clippings. ( Log Out /  Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. No worries Ed. Simply sprinkle the grounds in areas of your garden that you're concerned about. Try and spread as even as possible, to avoid spots where piles will accumulate. Have also heard of other effective ways with bicarb soda and/or vinegar, but have not does this due to fears it will overly alkalise the soil. Grounds are also free of any harmful chemicals so they’re safe for both humans, cats, kids, and other pets. While used coffee grounds are only slightly acidic, fresh (unbrewed) coffee grounds have more acid. 8 Answers. If left to dry out, they can repel water in much the same way as peat moss that becomes dry. I use coffee grounds around my strawberry plants and it keeps the snails and slugs away and acidifies the soil at the same time. Pests tend to be attracted to gardens that have weakened or stressed plants, as they are easier to prey on. Coffee grounds also provide a healthy and slight dose of other basic nutrients like phosphorus and potassium. On the flip side, coffee grounds enhance sugar beet seed germination. As these grounds decompose, the low nitrogen level in them acts as a long-acting fertilizer. You will only want to water the lawn enough to get the top one to two inches of soil wet. In this way, you can utilise the fertilising effect of the brown powder without putting any of your garden soil micro fauna at risk. Add the coffee grounds in thin, widely-distributed layers onto your compost. Any time is a good time to add coffee grounds to your soil, as it will love the boost in organic material and nutrient makeup. If you chose the latter option, take around one cup of coffee grounds and one gallon of water per bush of roses. Hi Earl, sounds like they are still too wet and sealing them in plastic makes it worse. Get as much boiling or near boiling water over as many of the leaves, stems and roots as you can. You can save your lawn from dog urine and digging using one of these tricks. This one aspect will change how your grass feeds, more than you can imagine. Hi Sam. The strong scent makes cats feel their favorite spots for “number 2” are already contaminated. Use away! Coffee grounds are also being researched to deter certain wilt and rot fungi and bacterium from forming. Well, you could haunt your friends and neighbors, but that would be about as popular as the idea of using cow manure to fertilize your lawn. Your emerald cedars will enjoy coffee grounds, either directly (and scratched into the soil), or via compost. Hot and damp will break it down very quickly – after a week. Used coffee grounds are actually nearly neutral in pH, so they shouldn't cause concerns about their acidity. According to the EPA, coffee grounds contain a large amount of nitrogen, a nutrient that lawns and gardens love, although it does take a while for the coffee grounds to break down and release that nitrogen.. Add 2 cups of used coffee grounds to a 5-gallon bucket of water. Cultivate into the soil. ( Log Out /  THE STUFF WORKS GREAT. 9 years ago. Foliar spray. Thank you. So does your lawn! It helps your garden soil. Used coffee grounds are neutral.” If you rinse your used coffee grounds, they will have a near neutral pH of 6.5 and will not affect the acid levels of the soil. This not only helps break up the soil, it aids in the beneficial microbial activity that a healthy lawn craves. Alternatively, if you’re short on water, you can use a mixture of three-fourths of coffee grounds with one-fourth part word ash. yes can i use coffee grounds on my lawn i live in oklahoma and i cant seem to keep my grass green. Spread on the soil and cover with leaves or compost or bark mulch. Let it sit in a cool, out-of-the-way place (like your garage) for a day or two. That could be quite a mess. Now use a shovel or a hard rake and mix the grounds and lime. Take care to add grounds so that they comprise only 10 to 20 percent of your total compost volume. If you are looking to start going organic in your lawn care regimen then using coffee grounds is a great way to start. its always brown and ugly sustainability project idea for work thanku guys.. No worries Jo, hope the project works out for you! My goal is to help folks understand that very large quantities are needed and that there are … Pests tend to be attracted to gardens that have weakened or stressed plants, as … All you then need to do is to use the compost in your garden correctly The Author - Mr. Engelbert Kötter Not only will it help the grounds get into the soil, it will help the high spots level out. You can also use a bucket with holes punched through the bottom or a spreader to broadcast the grounds. “Man Gets Fired for Composting”. No lime required Paul. Thank you Shanegenziuk, I am glad to hear there is still support for coffee as an additive. Luckily, coffee grounds can quickly get rid of this garden pest for you. Relevance. Leftover diluted coffee works well like this too. I normally boil the kettle and then get that right into the root ball of the weed – it cooks them like you would boil lettuce. Them going moldy is what they would start doing on the lawn in a couple of days anyway. The bad thing about these fertilizers is that they are widely misused by homeowners and uneducated lawn maintenance companies – in the hands of these individuals these fertilizers create runoff into our waters and burning of the homeowner’s lawns. As an overall benefit to your garden and society in general, I could not recommend anything as good as coffee grounds for your lawn. Your mulch needs to breathe to let water and air in as well as out of the soil. The coffee grounds will not throw off the other levels, but do be mindful how much of it you use – better to compost first, and if you do apply it directly try not to apply too thickly or it will form a crust. Coffee grounds can make your garden happier in several ways, and not just that coffee gives you more energy for weeding and pruning. I’ve always put them in the compost pile but never thought to spread them on the lawn. Reapply the coffee ground lawn fertilizer every month or two thereafter to promote a thick, green turf. Thank Kah, yes you can add grounds to pots – jusr be mindful of how much you use. They won't help your lawn but they are good for acid loving plants like azaleas. If you aren't getting the results you hoped for with coffee grounds, you may want to try your own experiments with and without them in your garden. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Thanks also for stopping by my post. In smaller amounts, especially when mixed with dry materials, coffee grounds will give up their nitrogen. Here are 16 creative uses for used coffee grounds. The safest way to use coffee grounds is adding to compost. Change ). Simply sprinkle the grounds in areas of your garden that you're concerned about. To use the grounds in your garden, incorporate about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) Pingback: Clever Ideas For Reusing Coffee Grounds - My Simple Minded Life, hi…can you use the grounds on palm trees in SoCal? All the best mate, and please write back if you have any more questions. Coffee grounds give off a strong odor that instantly repels garden moles. I have a Starbucks conveniently located to my home but there is no way that I can justify the effort to accumulate a couple tons of coffee grounds and spread them on my lawn each season. A quick way to test this is to get an old screwdriver and mark it at two inches. Paper bags might be better to avoid the mold unless you really dry them out. As these grounds decompose, the low nitrogen level in them acts as a long-acting fertilizer. It’s easy, natural, and cheap. I got fired from Starbucks for taking some expired coffee grounds that were going to the trash, so be sure to ask your supervisor before “stealing” any kind of waste. Coffee grounds contain 2% of nitrogen, but plants can not use this until it breaks down. How to use coffee grounds to improve your garden You can also grow coffee beans on coffee trees, which are really bushes that grow a few feet tall. And yes you can add tea leaves to your coffee compost and it will turn to lovely soil. If you have too much green material your compost pile will start to smell. For a sustainable planting soil my plan is to use this recipe, please let me know if you think it is on point or missing a nutrient, thank you! It’s not a nice lawn so I’m fine experimenting with coffee grounds without worrying of them ruining it. I wouldn’t suggest putting fresh coffee grounds on plants to acidify your soil either. Curious on the mixture results. Ways to Use Coffee Grounds in the Garden. You will find plenty of coffee grounds experts on this very site. You can scratch it into the top couple inches of soil, or just sprinkle the grounds on top and leave it alone. Sorry guys, it looks like this common practice is pure myth, spent coffee grounds are practically a pH neutral. But even coffee-ground gardening advocates include a few words of warning. Need to mix with lime? When used correctly, coffee grounds can be a great addition to your garden. Used coffee grounds are the leftover remnants from making your brew. If you can’t get hold of anything else besides coffee grounds or tea leaves, at least add to it some shredded newspaper and water, and that will create soil. In smaller amounts, especially when mixed with dry materials, coffee grounds will give up their nitrogen. Coffee grounds Image Credit: Ockra/iStock/Getty Images resources What's Wrong With My Plant? They also contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other trace minerals. Now sink it into the ground until you feel it stop – this is dry ground. Just a handful every month or so. Spent coffee grounds are increasingly recommended by professionals and gardeners as a sustainable way to improve your garden soil and provide nutrients to your plants. I have probably 10 containers in my garage to spread. How to Grow and Care for Bristle Leaf Sedge (Carex Eburnea). In a previous article titled How a Cafe turns coffee grounds to fertilizer , I highlighted why using the grounds directly from a cafe is the most environmentally friendly way to go. In addition to using coffee grounds in your worm bin, earthworms in your soil will also be more attracted to your garden when you use them mixed with the soil as fertilizer. Give it a try Libby and I am sure you will be happy you did. Doing this you will be able to acquire a larger amount of grounds while sharing with the rest of the neighbourhood. Coffee grounds can also be used in your garden for other things – Many gardeners like to use used coffee grounds as a mulch for their plants. The good news is that the coffee grounds improved the water holding capacity of the soil and decreased weed growth. Will the boiling water methods work for pokeweed? I sprinkled about 20lbs of coffee grounds 3 weeks ago over a pretty small lawn and no harm so far. Coffee grounds are one of those things that you just assume need to be thrown away. 7. Spray the whole plant, including the underside of the leaves. can i use coffee grounds on my lawn ? Zip lock bag. Paul. Instead, ask your local coffee shop if you can have their spent grounds. Don't toss the grounds! Conversely, grounds (used as mulch and compost) improve yields of soybeans and cabbage. Just so I can store them Jim. I usually use CORN GLUTEN that I can buy in a huge bag from the farm supply. Thanks for that info Jason. I work at a small Starbucks and someone came in the other day asking if we did the “free used coffee grounds” and I had no idea what she was talking about. How good is this. How long does it take for the coffee grounds to break down when on top of the lawn? Deerslayer makes some valid points about how impractical it would be to try to fertilize a large lawn with coffee grounds. Leftover diluted coffee works well like this too. Fresh coffee grounds (like the ones you can get from a coarse grind) are acidic, but used coffee grounds are neutral. Hi Elonda, thanks for writing in. Used coffee grounds come in with a pH of 6.5 to 6.8. Coffee grounds can help create these ideal conditions. The researchers think the poorer growth was due to the plant-toxic compounds naturally present in the coffee grounds. Empty bags of coffee grounds in piles around your lawn. I can comment as someone who has used 7+ tonnes of coffee grounds in my garden over the past couple of years. And if you don’t drink coffee, or if you’d just like some extra grounds, you can often find used grounds for free at local coffee shops. Let the "tea" steep for a few hours or overnight. The snails will know to stay away. carbon) nature. Coffee grounds (and brewed coffee) are a source of nitrogen for plants, which is the nutrient that produces healthy green growth and strong stems. If you are looking for a way to get rid of ants, slugs, or snails from your property, then leaving used coffee grounds around should do the trick. 10 Ways to use Coffee in your Garden. | Rent-A-Teenager, Pingback: Easy Way to Make Leafmold | Coffee Grounds to Ground. Do you have to deal with weeks of coffee on your feet? I’ve been saving each 2 day’s usage and then going out and broadcasting them on the lawn by hand. we save the grounds at work by dumping them in empty coffee containers. Coffee Grounds Kitty won’t think of your garden as a latrine anymore if you spread a pungent mixture of orange peels and used coffee grounds around your … That is just great Lauren, thanks for writing in. Conventional synthetic fertilizers are great for making your lawn green extremely fast, and in the hands of a certified professional they are perfectly okay when used in the right circumstances with limited use. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What about using them with roses? If you live in the Southern United States where there is a lot of clay and acidic soil, then you will want to put out about twenty pounds of mix per thousand square feet. Regarding the use of coffee grounds and roses – here is a link to an article I wrote on that subject last year. If that does happen, grab a leaf rake and try and rake them into the lawn as good as possible. To use as a repellent, either sprinkle some fresh coffee grounds throughout the lawn and garden, or toss your brewed coffee grounds into the garden each day after making your morning pot of coffee. Fresh coffee grounds still have most of their caffeine content as well as the acid. But those warnings ignore one big problem with spent coffee grounds: They're full of caffeine. Applying the grounds directly to your lawn is good if you are going to be doing some core aeration or are only going to be applying a light amount of them. I have a couple of acres of land heaps of lawn and close to 3 coffee shops. Rake or sweep it out lightly so there aren’t any deep piles atop the grass. It’s not a nice lawn so I’m fine experimenting with coffee grounds without worrying of them ruining it. My lawn is looking better already! Free fertlizer from now on! The benefit of drying the grounds is so that they spread a whole lot easier, farther and more even in a spreader. In there somewhere is the single American household coffee pot that is putting out just enough used grounds every day to use in your fertilization program. I am trying to see if I can simply use the coffee grounds from Starbucks (sun dried) and mixed in with lime (like this article). Claims include improved soil structure, an ideal carbon to nitrogen ratio, improved fertility and provision of nitrogen 1 . I would like to fertilize the lawn without using chemicals this year, any ideas on how to get rid of the weeds and other unwanted plants that grow in the yard? Now I know why and what that was all about! If you do use coffee grounds on your indoor plants, either directly or as part of a compost, you can reduce the risk of overwatering by altering the composition of the soil that you use. Quite a few scientists are interested in the coffee question too, as I found several scientific studies concerning the use of coffee grounds in the garden. Are Coffee Grounds Good for Magnolia Trees? Also, any thoughts on how to kill weeds in my yard without using harmful chemicals? Where to Get Coffee Grounds. Would you say that there is an ‘expiry date’ so to speak for the coffee grounds and are any of their benefits lost the longer they aren’t used? Can you elaborate? Do you have a compost bin or worm farm? Ok I have been putting coffee grounds on my grass on a very regular basis this year. Rinse your coffee grounds before use. It seems cats do not like coffee grounds. Concurrently, a field trial grew the same plants under six treatments: control, fertiliser, and spent coffee grounds at 2.5%, 5%, 10% and 20% volume application rates (in the upper 10cm of soil). Before I could ask for details, she left to go to a larger Starbucks. You need to wait longer in the middle of Winter – at least a month. Coffee grounds are highly acidic, so spread them generously over the flower beds of acid loving plants, such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and Hydrangeas, for amazing blooms! You can put them to work. Well George this is a great way to do it. Many cats dislike the smell of coffee grounds and may avoid using your garden as a litter box if you mix coffee grounds into the soil. It is also good as a sprinkle on orchids just before you water them. If on the other hand you would not like to worry about nutrients leeching out of the soil, burning your lawn or creating a succulent state that promotes disease – then look no further, coffee grounds are the answer! Stuck on your feet this year goes lush in winter, turns into weeds in spring, dies in,... Now you know how to use kids, and not just that coffee gives you more energy weeding! Am glad to hear there is still support for coffee as an additive we are not most! Expect to wait longer in the coffee grounds to pots – jusr be mindful of much... Wouldn’T suggest putting fresh coffee grounds may be a more “ well-rounded fertilizer! Straight from the garden m in Southern Georgia and just tested the soil around your.! You a nice lawn so I’m fine experimenting with coffee grounds in water air... Adding this organic material to green compost material to the soil hi, i am interested in trying coffee... 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